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Clear Concepts and learn free

26 October 2022

Clear Concepts and learn free

Parents should always keep in mind that rote learning can never be a useful mechanism for students in the long run. Understanding the concepts related to learning and putting the creative abilities of a child to the test is the main motive behind successful learning. By laying emphasis on child’s creativity, it has been noticed that a child learns and retains concepts well.

Classrooms can be transformed into thinking tanks where every individual is given the equal opportunity to paint a world of their own and fill in with colors of their choice. Concept-Based Learning voices for giving a child an empty canvas and giving them the liberty to paint it accordingly.

Increased social interaction, enhancing cognitive abilities, self-learning, and skill development are some of the qualities that a child inherits from Concept Based Learning. Concept-Based Learning not only creates a path for a child to explore the varied avenues of learning, but it also lends a hand in clearing their doubts and seeking questions, thus giving rise to the inquisitive nature of a child.

A school should be a promoter of Concept-Based Learning. An educational institute should motivate a child to push their limits and excel in their underlying path.