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Shemstars spell magic with their creativity

27 January 2023

Shemstars spell magic with their creativity

Shemford Futuristic School, Guwahati organised an Art and Science Exhibition on 21st January 2023. The exhibition has helped the young minds of the school to explore their creativity. Such exhibitions enable the child to exhibit their talent, self-reliance and adaptability. It engages the students in learning new facts and developing their scientific spirit and curiosity. It also enhances their public speaking skills greatly.

The exhibition was judged based on their demonstration skills, presentation and the model they prepared, with the thorough group discussion. This has led the students in their experiential learning,where learning didn’t restrict the child to books rather opened the gateway to practical application of knowledge in day to day affairs.

Also, students gave their solo performances to showcase their talents in order to lift and boost their confidence .

Overall, the exhibition was a thorough enrichment tool for the students which will help them in their different areas of life.